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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13574
Location 44.96283,-123.25791 2252
Plant Name Brodiaea 16
Eliminating plants with low total score 15
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Dichelostemma congestum
ookow 71%
Dichelostemma congestum
Triteleia hyacinthina
white triteleia 61%
Triteleia hyacinthina
Brodiaea elegans
elegant brodiaea 58%
Brodiaea elegans
Brodiaea coronaria
crown brodiaea 56%
Brodiaea coronaria
Triteleia grandiflora
large-flower triteleia 50%
Triteleia grandiflora
Dipterostemon capitatus
blue dicks 27%
Dipterostemon capitatus
Xerophyllum tenax
beargrass 24%
Xerophyllum tenax
Brodiaea terrestris
dwarf brodiaea 24%
Brodiaea terrestris
Lonicera involucrata
twinberry honeysuckle 19%
Lonicera involucrata
Clintonia uniflora
queen's cup 18%
Clintonia uniflora
Lathyrus japonicus
beach pea 17%
Lathyrus japonicus
Frangula purshiana
cascara buckthorn 16%
Frangula purshiana
Menyanthes trifoliata
buckbean 13%
Menyanthes trifoliata
Scytosiphon lomentaria
soda straws 12%
Scytosiphon lomentaria
Garrya fremontii
California fever bush 11%
Garrya fremontii
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