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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13596
Observation Time Now: 1st week of December 13596
Plant Name Betula 14
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Betula alleghaniensis
yellow birch 89%
Betula alleghaniensis
Betula pumila
bog birch 87%
Betula pumila
Betula glandulosa
dwarf birch 87%
Betula glandulosa
Betula lenta
sweet birch 85%
Betula lenta
Betula michauxii
Newfoundland dwarf birch 85%
Betula michauxii
Betula nana
bog birch 84%
Betula nana
Betula nigra
river birch 84%
Betula nigra
Betula occidentalis
water birch 84%
Betula occidentalis
Betula X utahensis
northwestern paper birch 84%
Betula X utahensis
Betula papyrifera
paper birch 84%
Betula papyrifera
Betula cordifolia
mountain paper birch 84%
Betula cordifolia
Betula populifolia
gray birch 84%
Betula populifolia
Betula neoalaskana
Alaska paper birch 83%
Betula neoalaskana
Betula pendula
European white birch 81%
Betula pendula
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