Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13581
Plant Family Garryaceae 9
Search Results
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Garrya buxifolia
dwarf silktassel 98%
Garrya buxifolia
Garrya congdonii
chaparral silktassel 98%
Garrya congdonii
Garrya elliptica
coast silk-tassel 98%
Garrya elliptica
Garrya flavescens
ashy silktassel 98%
Garrya flavescens
Garrya fremontii
California fever bush 98%
Garrya fremontii
Garrya laurifolia
silktassel tree 98%
Garrya laurifolia
Garrya ovata
eggleaf silktassel 98%
Garrya ovata
Garrya veatchii
canyon silktassel 98%
Garrya veatchii
Garrya wrightii
Wright silk tassel 98%
Garrya wrightii
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