Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13776
Plant Name Ivesia patellifera 14
Search Results
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Potentilla rhypara
grimy ivesia 30%
Potentilla rhypara
Potentilla aperta
Sierra Valley mousetail 30%
Potentilla aperta
Potentilla argyrocoma
silverhair mousetail 30%
Potentilla argyrocoma
Potentilla baileyi
Bailey's ivesia 30%
Potentilla baileyi
Potentilla kingii
King's mousetail 30%
Potentilla kingii
Potentilla lycopodioides
clubmoss mousetail 30%
Potentilla lycopodioides
Potentilla nubigena
dwarf ivesia 30%
Potentilla nubigena
Potentilla sabulosa
intermountain ivesia 30%
Potentilla sabulosa
Potentilla santolinoides
Sierra mousetail 30%
Potentilla santolinoides
Potentilla sericoleuca
Plumas ivesia 30%
Potentilla sericoleuca
Potentilla shockleyi
sky mousetail 30%
Potentilla shockleyi
Potentilla tweedyi
Tweedy's ivesia 30%
Potentilla tweedyi
Potentilla gordonii
Gordon's mousetail 30%
Potentilla gordonii
Potentilla saxosa
rock mousetail 30%
Potentilla saxosa
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