Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13776
Plant Name Lewisia disepala 10
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Lewisia rediviva
bitterroot 33%
Lewisia rediviva
Lewisia pygmaea
alpine lewisia 31%
Lewisia pygmaea
Lewisiopsis tweedyi
Tweedy's lewisia 31%
Lewisiopsis tweedyi
Lewisia brachycalyx
short-sepal bitter-root 30%
Lewisia brachycalyx
Lewisia columbiana
Columbian lewisia 30%
Lewisia columbiana
Lewisia oppositifolia
opposite-leaf lewisia 30%
Lewisia oppositifolia
Lewisia triphylla
threeleaf lewisia 30%
Lewisia triphylla
Lewisia cotyledon
Siskiyou lewisia 30%
Lewisia cotyledon
Lewisia leeana
quill-leaf lewisia 30%
Lewisia leeana
Lewisia nevadensis
Nevada bitterroot 30%
Lewisia nevadensis
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