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Search Summary
Category All Plants13580
Location Medford3151
Elevation 47 feet3139
Observation Time 2nd week of February1468
Plant Family Oleaceae10
Search Results
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Jasminum nudiflorum
winter jasmine 43%
Jasminum nudiflorum
Ligustrum obtusifolium
border privet 35%
Ligustrum obtusifolium
Syringa vulgaris
lilac 34%
Syringa vulgaris
Ligustrum ovalifolium
California privet 31%
Ligustrum ovalifolium
Fraxinus americana
white ash 30%
Fraxinus americana
Ligustrum vulgare
European privet 28%
Ligustrum vulgare
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
green ash 28%
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Ligustrum sinense
common Chinese privet 28%
Ligustrum sinense
Fraxinus nigra
black ash 27%
Fraxinus nigra
Fraxinus profunda
pumpkin ash 24%
Fraxinus profunda
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