Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13615
Observation Time Now: 3rd week of December 13615
Plant Name Papaver 13
Eliminating plants with low total score 10
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Papaver argemone
long pricklyhead poppy 89%
Papaver argemone
Papaver californicum
fire poppy 89%
Papaver californicum
Papaver dubium
blindeyes 88%
Papaver dubium
Papaver heterophyllum
windpoppy 87%
Papaver heterophyllum
Papaver radicatum
rooted poppy 85%
Papaver radicatum
Papaver lapponicum
Lapland poppy 85%
Papaver lapponicum
Papaver macounii
Macoun's poppy 85%
Papaver macounii
Papaver mcconnellii
McConnell's poppy 85%
Papaver mcconnellii
Papaver rhoeas
corn poppy 83%
Papaver rhoeas
Papaver somniferum
opium poppy 82%
Papaver somniferum
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