Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13581
Plant Name Piper 19
Eliminating plants with low total score 11
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Piper amalago
rough-leafed pepper 89%
Piper amalago
Piper auritum
hoja santa 89%
Piper auritum
Piperia elegans
elegant rein orchid 88%
Piperia elegans
Platanthera transversa
flat-spurred piperia 87%
Platanthera transversa
Anemonoides piperi
Piper's anemone 84%
Anemonoides piperi
Erigeron piperianus
Piper's fleabane 84%
Erigeron piperianus
Lomatium piperi
salt-and-pepper 83%
Lomatium piperi
Piperia candida
slender white piperia 82%
Piperia candida
Platanthera unalascensis
slender-spire orchid 82%
Platanthera unalascensis
Luzula piperi
smooth woodrush 82%
Luzula piperi
Astragalus riparius
woodyroot milk-vetch 81%
Astragalus riparius
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