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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13616
Observation Time Now: last week of December 13616
Plant Name Ribes 51
Eliminating plants with low total score 45
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Ribes amarum
bitter gooseberry 89%
Ribes amarum
Ribes americanum
American black currant 89%
Ribes americanum
Ribes aureum
golden currant 89%
Ribes aureum
Ribes binominatum
ground gooseberry 89%
Ribes binominatum
Ribes bracteosum
stink currant 89%
Ribes bracteosum
Ribes cereum
wax currant 89%
Ribes cereum
Ribes laxiflorum
trailing black currant 89%
Ribes laxiflorum
Ribes cynosbati
eastern prickly gooseberry 88%
Ribes cynosbati
Ribes divaricatum
spreading gooseberry 88%
Ribes divaricatum
Ribes erythrocarpum
Crater Lake currant 88%
Ribes erythrocarpum
Ribes glandulosum
skunk currant 87%
Ribes glandulosum
Ribes sanguineum
red-flowering currant 87%
Ribes sanguineum
Ribes californicum
hillside gooseberry 87%
Ribes californicum
Ribes hirtellum
hairy-stem gooseberry 87%
Ribes hirtellum
Ribes acerifolium
maple-leaf currant 87%
Ribes acerifolium
Ribes indecorum
white-flowered currant 86%
Ribes indecorum
Ribes inerme
whitestem gooseberry 86%
Ribes inerme
Ribes lacustre
prickly currant 85%
Ribes lacustre
Ribes lasianthum
alpine gooseberry 85%
Ribes lasianthum
Ribes leptanthum
trumpet gooseberry 85%
Ribes leptanthum
Ribes lobbii
gummy gooseberry 85%
Ribes lobbii
Ribes malvaceum
chaparral currant 85%
Ribes malvaceum
Ribes marshallii
Hupa gooseberry 85%
Ribes marshallii
Ribes menziesii
canyon gooseberry 85%
Ribes menziesii
Ribes mescalerium
Mescalero currant 85%
Ribes mescalerium
Ribes missouriense
Missouri gooseberry 85%
Ribes missouriense
Ribes wolfii
Wolf's currant 85%
Ribes wolfii
Ribes montigenum
mountain gooseberry 85%
Ribes montigenum
Ribes nevadense
Sierra currant 84%
Ribes nevadense
Ribes nigrum
European black currant 84%
Ribes nigrum
Ribes niveum
white-flowered gooseberry 84%
Ribes niveum
Ribes hudsonianum
northern black currant 84%
Ribes hudsonianum
Ribes pinetorum
orange gooseberry 84%
Ribes pinetorum
Ribes quercetorum
rock gooseberry 83%
Ribes quercetorum
Ribes roezlii
Sierra gooseberry 83%
Ribes roezlii
Ribes rotundifolium
Appalachian gooseberry 83%
Ribes rotundifolium
Ribes rubrum
cultivated currant 83%
Ribes rubrum
Ribes oxyacanthoides
Canadian gooseberry 83%
Ribes oxyacanthoides
Ribes speciosum
fuchsia-flowered gooseberry 82%
Ribes speciosum
Ribes triste
red currant 82%
Ribes triste
Ribes velutinum
desert gooseberry 81%
Ribes velutinum
Ribes viburnifolium
island gooseberry 81%
Ribes viburnifolium
Ribes victoris
Victor's gooseberry 81%
Ribes victoris
Ribes viscosissimum
sticky currant 81%
Ribes viscosissimum
Ribes watsonianum
spring gooseberry 81%
Ribes watsonianum
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