Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13581
Plant Family Rutaceae 13
Search Results
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Choisya dumosa
starleaf 98%
Choisya dumosa
Cneoridium dumosum
bush rue 98%
Cneoridium dumosum
Phellodendron amurense
Amur corktree 98%
Phellodendron amurense
Citrus trifoliata
hardy orange 98%
Citrus trifoliata
Ptelea trifoliata
common hoptree 98%
Ptelea trifoliata
Ptelea crenulata
California hoptree 98%
Ptelea crenulata
Ruta chalepensis
fringed rue 98%
Ruta chalepensis
Ruta graveolens
common rue 98%
Ruta graveolens
Thamnosma montana
turpentine broom 98%
Thamnosma montana
Thamnosma texana
rue of the mountains 98%
Thamnosma texana
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
Hercules-club 98%
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
Zanthoxylum fagara
lime pricklyash 98%
Zanthoxylum fagara
Zanthoxylum americanum
common pricklyash 98%
Zanthoxylum americanum
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