Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13596
Location 45.62345,-121.97003 3119
Plant Name Vicia 8
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Vicia sativa
common vetch 41%
Vicia sativa
Vicia villosa
hairy vetch 40%
Vicia villosa
Vicia americana
American vetch 33%
Vicia americana
Vicia lutea
smooth yellow vetch 28%
Vicia lutea
Vicia nigricans
black vetch 27%
Vicia nigricans
Vicia hirsuta
tiny vetch 27%
Vicia hirsuta
Vicia cracca
bird vetch 25%
Vicia cracca
Vicia tetrasperma
lentil vetch 22%
Vicia tetrasperma
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