Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13650
Observation Time Now: 3rd week of February 13650
Plant Name Geum 13
Eliminating plants with low total score 12
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Geum calthifolium
calthaleaf avens 89%
Geum calthifolium
Geum canadense
white avens 89%
Geum canadense
Waldsteinia fragarioides
Appalachian barren strawberry 88%
Waldsteinia fragarioides
Geum virginianum
cream avens 87%
Geum virginianum
Geum laciniatum
rough avens 85%
Geum laciniatum
Geum macrophyllum
largeleaf avens 85%
Geum macrophyllum
Geum rivale
water avens 83%
Geum rivale
Geum aleppicum
yellow avens 82%
Geum aleppicum
Geum triflorum
prairie smoke 82%
Geum triflorum
Geum rossii
Ross' avens 82%
Geum rossii
Geum urbanum
herb bennet 82%
Geum urbanum
Geum vernum
heartleaf avens 81%
Geum vernum
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