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Search Summary
Category All Plants 13650
Plant Name Arabis 66
Eliminating plants with low total score 65
Search Results
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Arabis aculeolata
Waldo rockcress 89%
Arabis aculeolata
Arabis alpina
alpine rockcress 89%
Arabis alpina
Boechera atrorubens
sicklepod rockcress 89%
Boechera atrorubens
Boechera puberula
silver rockcress 89%
Boechera puberula
Arabis blepharophylla
coast rock cress 89%
Arabis blepharophylla
Boechera grahamii
Graham's suncress 89%
Boechera grahamii
Boechera breweri
Brewer's rockcress 89%
Boechera breweri
Borodinia canadensis
sicklepod 89%
Borodinia canadensis
Boechera cobrensis
Masonic rockcress 89%
Boechera cobrensis
Boechera crandallii
Crandall's rockcress 88%
Boechera crandallii
wetsoil rockcress 88%
Arabis crucisetosa
Boechera cusickii
Cusick's rockcress 88%
Boechera cusickii
Davidson's rockcress 88%
Boechera davidsonii
Boechera pendulina
rabbit ear rockcress 88%
Boechera pendulina
Borodinia dentata
Short's rockcress 88%
Borodinia dentata
Boechera depauperata
soldier rockcress 88%
Boechera depauperata
Boechera stricta
Drummond's rockcress 88%
Boechera stricta
Boechera fendleri
Fendler's rockcress 88%
Boechera fendleri
Boechera spatifolia
spoonleaf rockcress 88%
Boechera spatifolia
Boechera formosa
desert rockcress 87%
Boechera formosa
Arabis furcata
Cascade rock-cress 87%
Arabis furcata
Turritis glabra
tower rockcress 87%
Turritis glabra
Boechera glaucovalvula
bluepod rockcress 87%
Boechera glaucovalvula
Arabis pycnocarpa
slender rock cress 87%
Arabis pycnocarpa
Arabis eschscholtziana
Eschscholtz's hairy rockcress 87%
Arabis eschscholtziana
Boechera collinsii
Collins' rockcress 87%
Boechera collinsii
Boechera retrofracta
reflexed rockcress 87%
Boechera retrofracta
Boechera pinetorum
woodland rockcress 87%
Boechera pinetorum
Boechera inyoensis
Inyo rockcress 86%
Boechera inyoensis
Boechera koehleri
Koehler's rockcress 85%
Boechera koehleri
Borodinia laevigata
smooth rockcress 85%
Borodinia laevigata
Boechera lemmonii
Lemmon's rockcress 85%
Boechera lemmonii
Boechera paddoensis
Mount Adams rock-cress 85%
Boechera paddoensis
Boechera lignifera
Owens Valley rockcress 85%
Boechera lignifera
Boechera lyallii
Lyall's rockcress 85%
Boechera lyallii
Boechera paupercula
littleleaf rockcress 85%
Boechera paupercula
Arabidopsis lyrata
lyrate rockcress 85%
Arabidopsis lyrata
Arabis mcdonaldiana
McDonald's rockcress 85%
Arabis mcdonaldiana
Boechera arcuata
elegant rockcress 85%
Boechera arcuata
Boechera microphylla
small-flowered rockcress 85%
Boechera microphylla
Boechera missouriensis
green rockcress 85%
Boechera missouriensis
Arabis modesta
Rogue Canyon rockcress 85%
Arabis modesta
Arabis nuttallii
Nuttall's rockcress 84%
Arabis nuttallii
Arabis oregana
Oregon rockcress 84%
Arabis oregana
Boechera oxylobula
Glenwood Springs rockcress 84%
Boechera oxylobula
Boechera pallidifolia
Gunnison County rockcress 84%
Boechera pallidifolia
Boechera parishii
dwarf rockcress 84%
Boechera parishii
Arabis patens
spreading rockcress 84%
Arabis patens
Boechera pendulocarpa
dropseed rockcress 84%
Boechera pendulocarpa
Boechera perennans
perennial rockcress 84%
Boechera perennans
Boechera platysperma
flat-seed rock-cress 84%
Boechera platysperma
Boechera howellii
Howell's flat-seed rockcress 84%
Boechera howellii
Boechera pulchra
beautiful rockcress 83%
Boechera pulchra
Boechera xylopoda
bigfoot hybrid rockcress 83%
Boechera xylopoda
Boechera rectissima
bristlyleaf rockcress 83%
Boechera rectissima
Yosemitea repanda
Yosemite rockcress 83%
Yosemitea repanda
Boechera gracilenta
Selby's rockcress 83%
Boechera gracilenta
Boechera shockleyi
Shockley's rockcress 82%
Boechera shockleyi
Boechera pauciflora
hairystem rockcress 82%
Boechera pauciflora
Boechera californica
California rockcress 82%
Boechera californica
Boechera sparsiflora
sicklepod rockcress 82%
Boechera sparsiflora
Boechera subpinnatifida
Klamath rockcress 82%
Boechera subpinnatifida
Boechera suffrutescens
woody rockcress 82%
Boechera suffrutescens
Sandbergia whitedii
Whited's fissurewort 81%
Sandbergia whitedii
Boechera divaricarpa
spreadingpod rockcress 81%
Boechera divaricarpa
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