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dropseed rockcress
Boechera pendulocarpa
Boechera pendulocarpa
dropseed rockcress Mustard Family
Boechera pendulocarpa Brassicaceae
common names
  dropseed rockcress
  Holboell's rockcress
accepted scientific name
  •Boechera pendulocarpa (A. Nelson) Windham & Al-Shehbaz
rules for finding collection records
  Arabis pendulocarpa (23)
  Boechera pendulocarpa (534)
  Arabis holboellii (1238)
  Boechera holboellii (282)
  exclude Arabis holboellii collinsii
  exclude Arabis holboellii pinetorum
  exclude Arabis holboellii retrofracta
  exclude Arabis holboellii secunda
  exclude Boechera holboellii collinsii
  exclude Boechera holboellii secunda
  exclude Boechera holboellii pinetorum
  exclude Boechera holboellii retrofracta
family name
  • Brassicaceae
Image Author: ©2008 Stan Shebs
Image License: CC BY-SA
Image Source

Category: Wildflowers
Flowers: Four petals
Petal colors: color color
Flower size is about 0.25 inches
Leaf: Alternate, Basal
Plant Observed beginning of April thru 3rd week of August

Plant Showiness (36%)
The plants in Genus Arabis were reorganized and renamed. The variations of Arabis holboellii were given new names. The name Boechera holboelli was assigned to a plant that only grows in Greenland. In our region the plants called simply Arabis holboellii are now named Boechera pendulocarpa. The common name, Holboell's Rockcress, has been in use for plants in North America but this will probably be changing.
base map where plant found
mag select

Native Plant Status
native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map native status map
native Native
native Not Present